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Access to Work Funding

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.

Purchase my PDF to help you 

apply for Access To Work





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Did you want help with the Access to Work Application. I can guide you through what you can ask for and the wording you can include to help improve your chances of success! You can book a one off session where we can discuss your needs and what may benefit and be available to you on access to work. 


Access to Work can even fund training for your work colleagues to help develop awareness

An Overview of the Access to Work Initiative



The Department for Work and Pensions offers a support system called Access to Work. This support might come in financial assistance, commonly called a grant. The UK Government Programme offers grants up to £62,900 per annum. 


The best part? This isn’t a loan 

You won't be expected to repay the amount.


Who's Qualified for Access to Work?


  • Those with a visible or concealed disability

  • Individuals dealing with mental health challenges

  • impacting their work or commute


Adjustments in the Workplace


If you're dealing with health concerns or disabilities, your employer must make alterations to aid your work performance. Such changes are labelled as "reasonable adjustments."


The Access to Work initiative will assess these adjustments to ensure they

cater to your needs adequately.


Criteria for Obtaining Access to Work Support:


  • Be in paid employment or about to start or return to one

  • Be at least 16 years of age and residing in England, Scotland, or Wales

  • Residents of The Channel Islands or The Isle of Man are ineligible

  • Grants aren’t provided for unpaid roles

  • Civil Servants cannot directly apply; their office coordinates the process


Examples of Paid Roles:


  • Being self-employed or running a personal business

  • Engaging in an apprenticeship to acquire specific skills

  • Participating in internships or work experience for job exposure

  • Undertaking a work trial to gauge job fit


Individuals on Government Benefits:


Access to Work is available for those receiving Universal Credit,

Jobseekers Allowance, or Income Support and working over an

hour weekly.


For Employment and Support Allowance beneficiaries, Access

to Work can be availed only for sanctioned employment.


Employment is sanctioned if:

  • Your earnings are under £167 weekly

  • Your work is under 16 hours weekly

  • Your task has the green light from your Job Centre's work coach


How the Grant Operates:


You or your employer will shoulder the necessary costs upon obtaining a grant.

Retain all bills, and Access to Work will reimburse you.


There might be other costs your employer should cover, and the amount will

be communicated by Access to Work.


Assistance from Access to Work might include:

  • Counselling or job mentorship/coaching

  • Adaptations to your work tools

  • Transferring equipment for workplace relocations

  • Hiring interpreters such as British Sign Language experts, video relay service assistance, lip speakers, or note-takers

  • Modifications to your vehicle for commuting ease

  • Covering taxi expenses or providing a support worker if public transportation isn't feasible

  • Offering a support worker or job mentorship at your workplace

  • Facilitating disability awareness programs for your colleagues


The Application Process:

You can submit your application online. Visit for the necessary details and steps.


Upon submission:

  • An Access to Work consultant will reach out to discuss available support

  • The consultant might also connect with your employer for a better understanding

  • A representative from the Department for Work and Pensions might inspect your workplace to determine the support needed

  • You will be informed about the aid you can obtain from Access to Work


Access to Work and ADHD:


The following are accommodations that are aware people with ADHD have successfully asked for:


  • ADHD Coaching

  • Noise cancelling headphones

  • Significant workplace support. A recent substantial award we heard of was for help with the filing aspects of a job. The award was a half full-time equivalent (2.5 days a week) for an assistant to come in and help with filing.



Further information on claiming Access to Work & ADHD can be found at the following website:

Access To Work - Support for Disabilities/ Health Conditions (



Access to Work partners will also work with your employer to advise them how best they can support you in the workplace. Your employer should be putting reasonable accommodations in place as well. Any costs are initially paid for by your employer and then refunded from the government. (

You will therefore need to speak to your employer about your ADHD.

Access to Work does not require a diagnosis for you to get assistance; however, having a diagnosis significantly helps (and as a charity, we have heard of claims being refused without a diagnosis). 

ADHD is listed as a mental health disability in the Mental Health Act (1990).

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